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roma, 2011, spazio industriale

R è un progetto che è stato realizzato nel sottosuolo di Roma, all'interno della mostra collettiva C'era una volta un futuro, a cura di Antonia Alampi e Anna Simone.

Una riflessione sul periodo socio-politico italiano di quegli anni che si è formalizzata in un salone di duecentocinquanta metri quadri completamente ricoperto di pietra pomice e rose del deserto, Rose di Jericho, un fiore immortale. Dopo aver percorso le due rampe di scale che portavano nei sotterranei dello spazio industriale, lo spettatore si trovava di fronte ad un'arido paesaggio bianco, dove niente era sopravvissuto se non delle piccole forme di vita, le rose del deserto.

R is a project that was carried out in the underground of Rome in 2011, within the collective exhibition Once upon a time a future, curated by Antonia Alampi and Anna Simone.

A reflection on the Italian socio-political period of those years that was formalized in a hall of two hundred and fifty square meters completely covered with pumice stone and desert roses, Rose di Jericho, an immortal flower. After covering the two flights of stairs that led to the basement of the industrial space, the viewer was faced with an arid white landscape, where nothing had survived but the small life forms, the desert roses.

/ pietra pomice, rose di jericho

/ pietra pomice, rose di jericho

/ pietra pomice, rose di jericho

/ pietra pomice, rose di jericho

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It is exactly as a psychoanalysis’s session.
Step by step I go in search of those sensations that remain submerged in the unconscious and that most influence the soul’s state, provoked in turn by the most significant events of existence: the encounters, the losses, the fundamental bonds, the conquests and failures, the falls and rebirths, the relationship between human beings, nature and God.
My “inspiration’s source” are the events that condition the human soul and how it reacts. Those events that leave deep marks, scars, in our unconscious which in turn tries to hide them. So I whatch on my biography, my past or what happens every day and that inevitably affects my balance, my psyche.
I am trying to create my own vocabulary of images composed by natural elements, such as trees linked together, roots, branches that break, or elements that constitute barriers, limits, boundaries or paths.

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